Yak chews are a type of natural dog chew made from the milk of cows and yaks. Yaks are a type of wild cattle that live in the Himalayan mountains. Yak chews are becoming increasingly popular with dog owners because they are highly nutritious and help to clean your dog's teeth. Let's take a closer look at yak chews and how they can benefit your dog's oral health.

How Yak Chews Are Made

Most Yak chews come from Nepal and then they are imported directly to the companies facility. They are made by boiling yak or cow's milk down into a thick, sticky paste. Once the paste has cooled, it is formed into shapes that are easy for dogs to chew on. The chews are then dried in the sun until they harden.

The Benefits of Yak Chews

Yak chews are all natural and they are an excellent source of protein, calcium, and phosphorus. These nutrients are essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Chewing on yak chews also helps to remove plaque and tartar from your dog's teeth, which can lead to better oral health overall. In addition, chewing on yak chews can help to reduce stress and boredom in dogs.

Is Your Dog a Good Candidate for Yak Chews?

Most dogs love yak chews and will gladly chew on them for hours at a time! However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before giving your dog yak chews. First, make sure that your dog is not allergic to yaks or their milk. Second, always supervise your dog while he or she is chewing on yak chews to ensure that they do not choke on them or swallow them whole. Lastly, pay attention to how much your dog is chewing on yak chews so that he or she does not consume too many calories.

Yak chews are a healthy, natural way to help clean your dog's teeth and provide him or her with essential nutrients. If you're looking for a way to improve your dog's oral health, reduce stress levels, or keep him or her entertained, consider giving yak chews a try! Just be sure to supervise your dog while he or she is chewing on them and monitor the amount of yak chews consumed to avoid overfeeding.