Most dogs love a good chew toy. But let's be honest, those rawhide bones can get expensive. Not to mention, they're not the best for your pup's digestion. So what's a dog owner to do? Well, have you ever considered yak chews? Made from yak milk, cow milk, lime juice and salt, yak chews are a great alternative to rawhide—and they're easier on your pup's tummy, too. Plus, they're less likely to splinter and break off into small pieces that could pose a choking hazard. But what is the best part about yak chews? They last a lot longer than rawhide bones.  

They are safe for dogs to enjoy, but it is important to always supervise your pup when they are enjoying a yak chew and watch out for small pieces.  Always take away the smaller pieces and use them to create another delicious safe treat.  Here's a quick and easy guide for microwaving those small pieces of yak chews for your dog.

How to Microwave Yak Chews for Dogs?

As your pup chews on the yak chew, it will gradually get smaller and smaller. Take the left over piece and place it in a bowl with warm water for 5 minutes.  Put the piece in the microwave for about 45 seconds. The yak chew will puff up like popcorn. Let the treat completely cool down prior to giving it back to your pup—you don't want them to burn their mouth!

By microwaving your dog's yak chew, you'll help it last much longer than if you had just let them chew on it raw. And since they're less likely to break off into small pieces, you can feel good about giving them this treat without having to worry about them choking on it. So go ahead and give it a try—your pup will thank you!

1) Take the small piece or pieces of yak chew (These will be the smaller left over pieces after your pup has been enjoying their chew for a while).

2) Put the left over piece in a bowl of warm water and soak it for 5 minutes.

2) Put the small pieces into the microwave for 45 seconds.

3) Watch the pieces while they cook and wait for the yak chew pieces to puff up like popcorn.

4) Take the popcorn like size yak chews and place them in a safe area to cool.

5) Check the temperature of the yak chew pieces and as soon as they have completely cooled serve to your pups and watch them eat the treats with delight.

Yak chews are a great way to keep your pup entertained and satisfied. They are safe for dogs to enjoy, but it is important to always supervise your pup when they are enjoying a yak chew and watch out for small pieces. Microwaving yak chews is quick and easy way to prepare them for your pup. Just be sure to let the treat cool down completely before giving it to your four-legged friend!